Spotlight projects

Saudi Arabia

Located in the middle of the Najd Plateau, the Wadi Hanifa is the longest and most important valley of the KSA, running for 120 km from north to south, cutting through the capital of the country, Riyadh.

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The Gran Manglar Viaduct is part of the project for the construction of the Cartagena de Indias e Barranquilla highway. The viaduct is 3.7 km long and crosses the Cienaga de Tesca lagoon. For the construction of the viaduct a top-down construction method has been chosen.

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A special custom-built equipment has been used to create a large plaza above the rail metro lines in Manhattan.

To close the gap in the middle of downtown New York Gruppo de Eccher developed an innovative solution to precast, transport and launch the plaza deck.

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